Mitigating the Human Rights Impacts of Arms Transfers: A Blueprint for Peace

Peace Workshop

Human Security and Disarmament

Mitigating the Human Rights Impacts of Arms Transfers: A Blueprint for Peace

Quaker United Nations Office, Global Rights Compliance (GRC) and Control Arms
  • 16/10/2024 @ 13:00 - 14:30
  • GCSP- 5th floor (pétale 4) – Hybrid

Arms transfers and the availability of firearms in conflict-affected areas or fragile contexts fuel conflict, crime, violence, and human rights violations. Against this background, how can we work towards more peaceful societies? 

To prevent the human suffering caused by irresponsible arms transfers arms transfers and the availability of firearms in communities, States have committed to refrain from transferring weapons when they assess there is a clear risk that such arms might be used in the commission of serious violation of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law, including through the Arms Trade Treaty and other international law instruments. Under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), States and industry are obligated to conduct human rights due diligence (HRDD) to ensure their business operations do not cause, contribute to, nor are directly linked to adverse human rights impacts. Despite the treaties and legal standards that have been developed and implemented, arms continue to flow into fragile contexts. While there is more focus on arms being transferred to conflicts, there is limited attention to the availability of arms in situations of serious human rights violations nor to the long-term impact on stability and peace in such societies. 

Through spotlight presentations, this workshop will set out the applicable legal standards and broad negative human rights impacts of the availability of arms. Based on this, participants will strategize in groups on how to raise awareness of these impacts, what information on the impact of arms should be collected and how it should be assessed by States and the arms sector when authorizing arms transfers.

  • Kathleen Lawand - Senior Consultant
  •  Nakil Bieri - Project Consultant
  • TBC

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