Call for applications



Geneva Peace Week is back and inviting organisers to contribute to its official programme for 2024! 

Why Participate?

  • Shape the direction of local and global peacebuilding efforts.
  • Contribute to meaningful discussions and initiatives.
  • Network with experts, practitioners, and policymakers.
  • Showcase your organisation's impact and expertise.
  • Engage on a global platform.


What We're Looking For:

12 Peace Panels: Engaging discussions on critical peace-related topics. These in-person sessions in Geneva take place at the Conference Center of the Maison de la Paix and can accommodate up to 140 participants on site, with remote access via Zoom for online participation. Lasting around 90 minutes, they aim to foster discourse among experts and stakeholders on specific topics. Audience engagement via Q&A sessions are strongly encouraged.

12 Peace Workshops: Interactive sessions to develop practical skills and strategies. These in-person sessions in Geneva take place at the Geneva Center for Security Policy and can accommodate up to 40 participants on site with remote access via Zoom for online participation. Lasting around 90 minutes and practitioner-led, they emphasize interactivity, group work, and knowledge exchange. Speakers’ contributions cannot exceed 30% of the session time.

How to apply ?

  • Apply Now : application form.
  • Application deadline: 24 May 2024 EXTENDED UNTIL 31 MAY 2024

For your own convenience, here are the required fields in the application form.


  • Alignment with the guiding questions and keywords: Submitted proposals must align with the thematic direction of Geneva Peace Week 2024.
  • Clear Peacebuilding Objectives: The aims and objectives of the session in promoting peacebuilding efforts must be clearly articulated.
  • Speaker Diversity and Inclusivity: Events can accommodate up to 5 speakers, representing diverse sectors such as International Organisations, NGOs, Academia, Governments, and the Private Sector. Organisers should ensure inclusivity in speaker selection, considering factors such as gender, age, and geographical representation.
  • Collaborative approach: Each event should have one lead organiser and up to five co-organisers. At least one of the institutions organising the event must be based in Geneva. Each organisation can only apply once as a lead organisation and only a second time as a co-organiser.
  • Hybrid Event Design: All events are expected to be hybrid, catering to both on-site and online audiences. Organisers should design their sessions with this dual audience in mind to maximize participation and engagement.


Join us in Geneva, the global hub for peace and diplomacy, and be part of this transformative event. Together, let's build a more peaceful and sustainable world!


  • Call for applications opening: Monday 15 April 2024
  • Call for application closing: Friday 24 May 2024
  • Confirmation of selected organisations and access to the organisers’ platform: by the end of June 2024
  • Participation confirmation: Friday 5 July 2024
  • Kick off sessions: Tuesday 3 September 2024
  • Submission of your final concept note: Monday 9 September 2024
  • Programme release: Monday 16 September 2024
  • Submission of the run of show of your event: Monday 7 October 2024 at the latest
  • Geneva Peace Week 2024: 14-18 October 2024
  • Recording and transcription of your event will be sent to you by the end of October at the latest
  • Submission of the notes of your event: Monday 11 November 2024 at the latest


While the Geneva Peace Week covers all logistical costs, organisers are responsible for covering cost related to travel and accommodation of their speakers and staff.