Digital Series


The Digital Series aims to showcase peacebuilding expertise, research, and stories in short, educational, and digital formats such as podcasts and videos, which are released on this page and our Youtube and usual podcast platforms. The GPW also offers online events and exhibitions available to participants across the world, to learn more and register check out our programme

The Digital Series story

The Digital Series story began in 2020 amidst the challenging backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. It emerged as a strategic response to adapt and expand its audience by transitioning to an online format, leveraging digital tools to connect with viewers in innovative ways. Discover the collection of Digital Series from previous years on our YouTube channel and Spotify


EP#1: Power and Polarisation: Disinformation Against the Vulnerable (episode 1)

#disinformation #vulnerablility #SigmaEuropeanThinkTank #polarisation #peacebuilding

Organization : Sigma European Think Tank

EP#2: Power and Polarisation: Disinformation Against the Vulnerable (episode 2)

#disinformation #vulnerablility #SigmaEuropeanThinkTank #polarisation #peacebuilding

Organization : Sigma European Think Tank

EP#3: Power and Polarisation: Disinformation Against the Vulnerable (episode 3)

#disinformation #vulnerablility #SigmaEuropeanThinkTank #polarisation #peacebuilding

Organization : Sigma European Think Tank

EP#4: Unveiling the Impact of Arms Control: Real-world Insights (episode 1: Impact)

#controlarms #globalsecurity #peacebuilding #armstradetreaty

Organization : Control Arms

EP#5: Unveiling the Impact of Arms Control: Real-world Insights (episode 2: Multilateral Agreements and Gun Violence)

#controlarms #globalsecurity #peacebuilding #armstradetreaty

Organization : Control Arms

EP#6: Unveiling the Impact of Arms Control: Real-world Insights (episode 3: Change! Wanted!)

#controlarms #globalsecurity #peacebuilding #armstradetreaty

Organization : Control Arms

EP#7: Frontline Negotiators: Stories from the Field

#HumanitarianNegotiation #CCHNcommunity

Organization : Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN)

EP#8: From Local to Global Governance: a UNDP podcast on how multi-level governance can contribute to sustaining peace

Listeners are encouraged to reflect on and respond to questions arising from the podcast and engage in a discussion with other listeners. Please share your thoughts, ideas and questions on UNDP’s discussion page ( Some questions you might want to reflect on are: - What are your suggestions for making multi-level governance more effective? - Do you have any examples where multi-level governance contributed to crisis management, peacebuilding and recovery? - How do governance institutions at different levels collaborate with each other in your country?

Organization : United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

EP#9: INVESTING IN WOMEN & PEACE: Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 1)

Episode 1 features Thania Paffenholz, Executive Director of Inclusive Peace, and sets the stage for the series, describing the changing nature of formal peace processes as well as recent trends in women's participation therein.

Organization : Inclusive Peace and Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund

EP#10: INVESTING IN WOMEN & PEACE: Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 2)

Episode 2 is moderated by Breifni Flanagan from the Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF), she is joined by Sophie Giscard d'Estaing, Program Coordinator at Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) and they discuss how current trends in peace processes affect the work of the Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) and provide examples of women’s initiatives that the Rapid Response Window has supported more recently.

Organization : Inclusive Peace and Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund

EP#11: INVESTING IN WOMEN & PEACE: Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 3)

Episode 3 features Salwa Elsdaik from Sudan and Vimbai Kapurura from Eswatini who discuss the linkages between participation and protection of women peacebuilders in contexts where protection needs recently have become more acute.

Organization : Inclusive Peace and Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund

EP#12: INVESTING IN WOMEN & PEACE: Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 4)

Episode 4 features Hilda Issa from Palestine and Concy Louis from South Sudan. They discuss the importance of and challenges to young women’s inclusion in peace processes.

Organization : Inclusive Peace and Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund

EP#13: INVESTING IN WOMEN & PEACE: Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide (episode 5)

Episode 5 features Natalia Brandler from Venezuela and Sartu Shemsuddin from Ethiopia. They exchange on the challenges and opportunities for women’s participation in national dialogues, focusing particularly on the role and situation of women’s civil society organisations.

Organization : Inclusive Peace and Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund


Voices of Hope, Actions for Peace, Women Driving Peace and Justice

#BulletAndDove #YWCALeaders #Youngwomenlead #Peace #Justice #Peacebuilding #ENDSGBV

Organization : Young Women's Christian Association and supported by Norwegian Church Aid and YGlobal

Media supporting equality in Ukraine

#equality #inclusion #social cohesion #Ukraine #participation

Organization : BBC Media Action

Common Security – Bridging divides and restoring trust

#commonsecurity #parliaments #ipu #ipb #trustbuilding #peaceprocesses #security #globaltensions #peaceactivist #sustainingpeace #conflictprevention #stronginstitutions

Organization : Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

GPW22: Digital Series

Check out our 2022 Digital Series

Organization : Geneva Peace Week 2022

GPW21: Digital Series

Check out our 2021 Digital Series

Organization : Geneva Peace Week 2021

GPW20: Digital Series

Check out our 2020 Digital Series

Organization : Geneva Peace Week 2020