Increase our collective abilities to face complex challenges – Promoting Peace and inclusive societies


Thematic Track: Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies

Increase our collective abilities to face complex challenges – Promoting Peace and inclusive societies

Caux Initiatives of Change, Inner Development Goals Initiative - Lemanic Hub, CHS Alliance, Principles for Peace
  • 02/11/2023 @ 15:00 - 16:30
  • GCSP- Conference Room 5th floor (pétale 4)

What are leverage points relating to the qualities and skills that are needed to achieve the SDGs? What qualities and skills might accelerate the process of reaching any common objectives for significant impact at scale on SDG 16 “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”?

There is an urgent need to increase our collective abilities to face complex challenges. We are all invited to connect, partner, co-create, support existing initiatives on the collective inner skills and qualities needed to overcome our global challenges.

The idea of this Sprint Lab on our collective abilities is to connect existing initiatives and rapidly progress from problem to ways forward using a step-by-step approach.

The Sprint Lab is like fast-forwarding into the future, so participants can benefit from existing work while also using a collective approach to solving problems that brings out the best contributions of everyone in the workshop.

With the “Sprint Lab”, we aim at:

  • Identifying and working on leverage points that might accelerate the process of reaching any common objectives for significant impact at scale.
  • Creating ambition to build powerful multi-sectoral or trans-contextual partnerships for a global movement to come about.
  • Giving simple ways of engaging in existing dynamics such as presented in the workshop.



  • Elizabeth Hume, Executive Director at Alliance for Peacebuilding and member of the Board of Governors at Principles for Peace
  • Willi Studer, Source and Managing Director Proviatus Ltd and Ambassador Inner Development Goals Initiative - Lemanic Hub 
  • Tanya Wood, Executive Director - CHS Alliance
  • Daniel Clements,  Directing manager,Creative Leadership, Caux Initiatives of Change
  • Ignacio Packer, Executive Director, Caux Initiatives of Change (Moderator)



The workshop (Sprint Lab) on our collective abilities will connect existing initiatives and look at ways forward to support the implementation of part of the New Agenda for Peace in particular on the area of “Investing in prevention and peacebuilding”.

The workshop will work on the essence of collective intelligence. Each person having its own piece of intelligence and, when you add them all up, you get a more complete picture of the whole. When people come together to collaborate on problem-solving and with highly stimulating working methodologies, they form a level of intelligence that just isn’t possible at the individual level.

The Sprint Lab is framed by the process for developing a New Agenda for Peace informing the Summit of the Future to be held in 2024. In this respect, the Sprint Lab focusses on the area of work “Investing in prevention and peacebuilding”.

It follows the recommendations of the consultative discussion in Geneva on 16-17 March 2023 conveyed by the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform. The recommendations are feeding into the New Agenda for Peace drafting process which will be available at time of the GPW23.

The aim is for the Sprint Lab to contribute to fresh insights and concrete recommendations in order to contribute in paving the way for a strong agenda for the future.