United Nations Peace Missions

Art Exhibition

United Nations Peace Missions

Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding
  • 02/11/2023 @ all day
  • GCSP- 4th floor (pétale 4)

UN peace missions, which include peacekeeping operations, special political missions, and good offices engagements, are the main instrument of the UN to promote peace around the world. They are central to the lives of people in conflict contexts who are affected by violence. The decision on whether, where, and when to deploy a peace mission is taken by the UN Security Council. As an elected member of the UN Security Council for the years 2023 and 2024, Switzerland contributes to discussions and decisions on UN peace missions. But even before their membership, Switzerland has supported UN peace missions through civilian and military personnel, expertise, and training for several decades. With this exhibition, we seek to contribute to the debates around UN peace missions and Switzerland’s role in them. The exhibition is based on a five-year research project on UN peace missions, which is hosted at the Geneva Graduate Institute and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The exhibition also shows videos in which experts on UN peace missions share their knowledge and it shares latest research findings on UN peace missions.


Our new website (www.peacemissions.info) and mobile application will be launched at the start of the exhibition. 



Online Exhibitions 
31/10/2023 @ 13:30 - 14:30, Online

We bring you a digital exploration of the physical exhibitions on display at GPW23. Engage with the passionate creators and organisers who brought these exhibitions to life, and gain insights into their inspirations, techniques, and narratives. Our unique format allows participants to move seamlessly between breakout rooms on Zoom, where you can connect directly with exhibition organisers and creators. Engage in thoughtful conversations, ask questions, and delve deeper into the thought-provoking concepts that define these physical exhibitions. It's an opportunity to bridge the gap between the tangible and the digital, connecting with art in a whole new way.

More information here.